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Submersible pumps are installed in bores and are hardly accessible for visual inspection. However, one can diagnose troubles by tuning one’s ear to the acoustical sound produced by the discharge line. This can however be done by the user rather than a trained mechanic as the frequency of sound is typical to a typical installation. It is advisable to touch one’s ear to the delivery line and observe the sound emitted by the pump. In a daily routine inspection following points should be noted:

  • Sound emitted by the pump.
  • Voltage supplied to the pump.
  • Current drawn by the pump.
  • Visual discharge at the outlet of the pump.

The pump should not be operated for more than 2 Hrs. The panel must show voltage in the range of 180 V-240 V for a single phase and 350 V-440V for three phases. Any voltage outside this range is likely to harm the motor. Current drawn at different available voltages for a particular installation should be recorded and checked on a daily basis. Any abnormal current drawn by the pump set can be a possible cause of trouble. Visual discharges at the outlet of the pump will depend on various factors like voltage availability on the site, the depth of water available, and the periodic yield of the bore well.


  • General

    The site safety regulations and statutory requirements if any, are to be taken care of and complied with, by the purchaser.

    The motor and pump serial number, type, size, and main operating data are stamped on the nameplate of the pump set. Please quote these details while ordering the spares.

  • Storage

    The unit is preferable to be stored in the vertical position. If the pump set is in operation and is required to be taken out for storage, after cleaning all external parts, the unit can be stored in a dry and dust-free room. Thereafter whenever re-installation is taken up, verify that the pump shaft and motor shaft rotate freely by hand. If the pump set is stored for a long time, periodic inspection is advised.

  • Scope

    Unless otherwise contracted, our standard scope of supply is restricted to the Motor unit, Pump unit & 3 mtr. long cable only. All other accessories are to be procured by the purchaser separately.

  • Shut Down Period

    The pump set should not be allowed to remain stationary for more than 7 days, otherwise lime, iron, and other substances tend to settle in bearings and impeller gaps. If the conditions demand that the pump set has to remain shut down for a longer period, it is recommended that the pump set should run daily for at least 15 minutes to enable it to be in a healthy condition.

  • Minimum Flow Rate

    If it is required to operate the pump set at the reduced discharges by throttling the delivery valve, the minimum rate of flow should not be less than 25% of the rated flow to prevent overheating of the motor.

  • Receipt of Packages at Site Verification of Transit Damages (if any).

    After the goods are received at the site, they are to be verified as per the dispatch documents. Transit damages, if any are to be reported immediately to the concerned supplier. The pump and motor are packed separately, and they are packed in a corrugated tube. Great care needs to be taken while unpacking the goods, especially the motor. DO NOT PULL THE MOTOR BY ITS CABLE AT ANY TIME. After removing the equipment from the respective packing, verify that both the pump and motor shaft rotate freely.


    • Cable

      Every pump set is supplied with 3 meters. of cable length. Since pump sets are to be installed in the bore well, an additional cable length is required for the electric supply located at ground level. The exact size of the cable is to be selected with the help of the cable selection chart.

    • Control Panel

      The user is advised to use a control panel with quality accessories to avoid future problems. The control panel should have the following protective devices for the trouble-free operation of the pump set:

      • Thermal relay with suitable current relay setting.
      • Single phasing preventor (For 3 phase pumps only)
      • Provision for water level guard/ Auto switch connection to avoid dry running of the pump set
      • Starting and running capacitors (as per specification on the motor nameplate)
      • Overload / Under voltage protector.
    • Water Level Guard / Dryrun Control

      It is recommended to install the pump set with water level guard / dry run control of reputed make to protect the pump set against dry running at lower water levels. The water level guard consists of a cable & probe. This probe is to be installed at about 0.5 meters. above N. R. V. top. When the water level in the bore gets lowered below the probe level, the starter will get switched off automatically by the level sensing device.

    • Supporting Clamps

      Two pairs of supporting clamps are required for the installation of the pump set. One pair is required permanently to hold the pump set in position. This clamp usually rests on girders or borewell casing pipes.

    • Cable Clips

      It is necessary to fix a cable every 3 meters. length of delivery pipe to keep the cable in position. This minimizes the chances of damage to the cable while lowering/taking out of the pump set into/from the borewell. Care is to be taken while fixing these clips so that damage to the cable is avoided.

    • Borewell Cap

      It is necessary to cover the borewell opening with this cap to avoid entry of any foreign material like dirty water, stones, etc. into the borewell thereby avoiding damage to the pump set. Sometimes if a larger size stone falls into the borewell and is sandwiched between the delivery pipe & borewell wall, it can damage the cable or may make it difficult to lift the pump set outside.

    • Check Valve

      The pump set operating point can be adjusted using the valve, thereby avoiding the pump set operation at very low or high discharge flow.

    • Non-Return Valve

      It is recommended to protect the piping system in case of sudden power failures, causing water hammer by fitting N.R.V. in the delivery pipe.

    • Pressure Gauge

      It is recommended to fix a Bourdon tube-type pressure gauge in order to indicate the pressure developed by the pump set

    • Required Tools for Installation
      • A tripod stands 20 feet in length.
      • A chain-pully block of 1 Ton capacity for bore up to 100m. depth & 2 Ton for above 100m. depth installation.
      • Chain spanner – 2 Nos.
      • A screw driver 8″, 12″, Insulating pliers, Spanners etc.
      • Megger 500 Mohm -1 No.
      • All plumbing material.
    • Checklist before Installation & Commissioning
      • Check the borewell for undersize, and crookedness with the help of the master size of the pump set before actually loading the pump in the borewell.
      • The yield of the borewell should be more than the discharge of the pump set.
      • Ensure that the N. R. V. top is at least 1 meter. (3 feet) below the maximum draw-down level of water in the borewell. And also ensure that the pump set is lowered minimum of 3-4 meters. above the bottom of the borewell (check the exact depth of the borewell).
      • Required electrical supply (1 phase or 3 phase) with appropriate voltage is available on sight.

      Provide proper earthing to reduce the risk of electrical shock during the operation of the pump set.

    • The voltage drops at the motor connection on account of power fluctuation and/or the length and size of the supply cable, should not be more than the minimum specified voltage. The recommended minimum voltage at motor connection should not be less than 350 V for 3 phase and 180 V for single phase pump set. The recommended maximum voltage at the motor connection should not be more than 440 V for 3 phase and 240 V for the single-phase pump set.
    • Motor & pump shaft rotates freely before coupling.
    • Motor is filled with cold, clear drinking water.
Do Not Fill Distilled Water in The Motor
  • Check if the motor protection relay is proper
  • Keep the delivery valve slightly open if it is provided.
  • Cable joining has been made properly as per the procedure given in this manual.
  • Verify that suitable control panels with the following protective devices are provided and are in working condition.
    • Thermal Relay with suitable relay current setting.
    • Single phasing preventer/Auto switch (for three-phase pump sets).
    • Provision for water level guard connection to avoid dry run of the pump set/overload protector.
    • Starting & running capacitors as recommended on the nameplate of the motor.
    • Motor & Pump coupling faces are clean. Remove rust preventer.


A good cable connection ensures a prefect watertight joint at the same time gives reliable protection against mechanical damage to the joint. Select the proper cable size with the help of the Cable Selection Chart

  • Cut the motor & supply cable in a staggered manner.
  • Cut the outer black P.V.C. of both cables.
  • Maintain projections of motor cable RED, YELLOW & BLUE conductors projecting outer black PVC by 50 mm, 75 mm & 100 mm respectively.
  • Remove insulation of all conductors to project copper wire approximately by 7.5 mm.
  • Coincide the copper wires of the same color conductor of both cables. Insert copper wire of the same color conductor of both cables in each crimping sleeve. Crimp each sleeve at three different points.
  • Clean the sleeve. Wrap two layers of approx. 6 mm. size MRF tape over each joint.
  • Wrap two layers of PVC adhesive tape over each sleeve.
  • Wrap each joint with two more layers of PVC Tape.
  • File both the outside Black PVC outer sheath of both the cables by rough file.
  • Wrap two layers of approx. 8/10 mm size MRF tape and then wrap two layers of PVC Adhesive tape.
  • Keep the joint deep in water for some time & test it with a megger. If the megger value is 20 MΩ or more, then the joint is O.K.
  • Continuity Test

    To check the continuity between the three possible combinations of the power leads, connect one lead from the megger to the (R) phase and another lead from the megger to the (Y) phase of the motor cable. Rotate the handle of the megger and note down the reading. Repeat this for the (Y) and (B) phases and also for the (B) and (R) phases. In all cases, readings should be zero and the infinity value will indicate a break in the winding wire, cable, or joint or loosening of the joint, which is to be corrected.

  • Insulation Test

    Check the insulation resistance of winding coils and cables. Join all the leads, twist them together, and connect them to the line lead from megger; Connect another lead from the megger to clean the surface of the delivery pipe on the megger dial. The rotation of the megger handle should be enough to produce 500 volts D.C. The reading on the megger dial should never be less than 5 MΩ. A reading of 2 MΩ indicates that insulation has become weaker and (0) zero reading indicates shorting of windings/ cables or joints to the earth. In case of weaker insulation or Zero insulation, cut the cable at the lead joint and again check the insulation of winding. If it is OK, then there is no fault in winding coils, or else the motor is to be sent to the works for repairs.


  • Hold the motor in the vertical position and remove both A & B water filling plugs.
  • Fill water from one of the water-filling ports A with cold, clean, fresh drinking water.
  • Hold the motor carefully & shake it right & left to remove the air inside the motor.
  • Top up the water from one water-filling port A till water comes out from other port B.
  • Check the insulation resistance of the motor with 500 Volts. Megger should be a minimum of 100 MΩ.
  • Connect the supply cable to the motor cable strictly as per the cable joining procedure.
  • Remove the cable guard and strainer from the pump.
  • Couple the pump with the motor. Check the play by lifting the pump shaft with the help of a screwdriver, it should be between 0.5-1 mm.
  • Adjust the cable slot of a suction piece of the pump to fit the suction sand protection provided on the cable to prevent sand from going inside the motor.
  • After the pump and motor surfaces are matched properly and perfectly, tighten the opposite nuts equally.
  • Cover the cable running on the pump with a cable guard and suction intel by the suction strainer.
  • Connect the first delivery pipe to the pump outlet (N.R.V.) and lower the pump set in the borewell by means of a tripod chain – pulley block and supporting clamps.
  • Connect one by one delivery pipes likewise and lower the pump set to desired depth. The cable running with the delivery pipe should not be kept loose. It should be clipped with a delivery pipe at an interval of a minimum of 3 meters with cable clips.
  • Hold the last pipe on the borewell casing firmly by means of supporting clamps.
  • Connect bends, good quality of N.R.V., and check the value on the delivery pipeline.
  • Connect the cable leads to the control panel.
  • Ensure that the check valve is kept partially opened (1/3 of full open) before switching on the pump set, to avoid entry of a large amount of sand/ mud along with a rapid flow of water.
  • Check the direction of rotation after installation (for 3-phase pump sets) Start the pump set and check discharge. Confirm both the discharge flow and the correct electric connection that gives the required discharge flow.
  • In the case of single-phase pump sets the direction of rotation will show the correct direction of rotation irrespective of the mode of connection of the supply.
  • Check whether supply voltage/ current is appropriate or not. Run the pump set till clean and clear water is discharged continuously.
  • Don’t switch on / off more than 15 times in an hour with a minimum of a one-minute interval between two successive starts and stops to avoid motor overheating.
  • Rest delivery pipe approximately minimum of 1 ft. above the ground level.
  • Use PVC pipe for under-grounded supply cable.


  • Pump set should not be run in the dry condition in any case.
  • Before commissioning the pump set, the Megger value should be checked & it should be 20 MΩ minimum.


  • Hold the motor in the vertical direction.
  • Fill the motor with fresh drinking water.
  • Ensure that there is no water leakage from the drain plug.
  • Hold the motor carefully and shake it right and left to remove the air inside the motor
  • Again, fill the water
  • Check the insulation resistance of the motor with 500 volts. Megger should be a minimum of 100 MΩ.
  • Remove the cable guard and strainer from the pump
  • Check the play by lifting the pump shaft with the help of a screwdriver, it should be between 0.5 mm to 1 mm
  • Take out the cable from the cable slot and fit the strainer.
  • Join the cables as per instruction in cable jointing.
  • Fit the cable guard carefully.
  • Connect the first delivery pipe to the pump outlet (N.R.V) and lower the pump set in the borewell by means of a tripod stand, chain pulley block, and supporting clamps.
  • Connect one by one delivery pipes and lower the pump to the desired depth. The cable running with the delivery pipe should not be kept loose. It should be dipped with the delivery pipe at an interval of a minimum of 3 meters with cable clips.
  • Fit the bore cap on the bore casing.
  • Hold the last pipe on the borewell casing firmly by means of supporting Clamping.
  • Connect bends, gate valve, and good quality N.R.V.
  • Connect the cable leads to the control panel.
  • Control panel must have a thermal relay of proper current setting range, single phasing prevention, and a facility to connect the water level guard.
  • Keep the gate valve slightly open to avoid the entry of mud and soil while starting the pump set.
  • Check the direction of rotation.
  • Check the supply voltage and current are appropriate or not. Run the pump set till clean and clear water is discharged continuously.
  • Don’t switch ON/OFF for more than 15 times in an hour with a minimum of a one-minute interval between two successive starts and stops to avoid motor overheating.
  • Use PVC pipe for under-grounded supply cable.
  • Rest delivery pipe approximately a minimum of 1 foot above the ground level.


  • Pump set should not be run in the dry condition in any case.
  • Before commissioning the pump set, the Megger value should be checked & it should be 20 MΩ minimum.


Name and Address of customer :
Date of installation :
Average daily running time Hours.
Sr. No. Date of inspection Shut Off Pressure Insulation Resistance Meggar At Shut Off On Full Discharge
Voltage Current Voltage Current


Coach International Technique Private Limited can supply you all the spares of your pump at reasonable price to carry out repairs at your local mechanics. However we insist that repairs to the pumps should be carried out by our authorized service stations or mechanics to save you from possible damage to your pump. Please quote the type and serial number of pump while ordering the spares of pumps.

We Assure to serve you Better
  • Periodic Checks

    It is better to carry out periodic checks to determine the health of Submersible Pump and possible troubles. This can be done in the following ways.

    • Install a Pressure gauge (make provision while installation). Completely close the outlet of the pump by using a throttle valve. Record the pressure gauge reading periodically. Any drop in pressure more than 15% of original value can suggest a problem in the pump. (Ref. Trouble shooting chart)
    • Periodic inspection should be carried out to determine the insulation resistance of winding.

    Check the insulation resistance of winding coils and cable. Join all the leads, twist them together, connect them to the line lead from megger and connect another lead from the megger to a clean surface of delivery pipe on megger dial. The rotation of megger handle should be enough to produce 500 volts D.C. The reading on megger dial should never be less than 5 Mohm. Reading of 2 Mohm indicates that insulation has become weaker and (0) zero reading indicates shorting of winding/ cables or joints to the earth. In case of weaker insulation or Zero insulation, cut the cable at lead joint and again check the insulation of winding. If it is OK, then there is no fault in winding coils or else the motor is to be sent to the works for repairs.


  • Do’s
    • Ensure that the pump portion is kept resting on the N.R.V. and not on the coupling
    • Ensure that for prolonged storage, the motor is filled with cold drinking water (NOT DISTILLED WATER)
    • Run the pump for at least 1/2 an hour every week if the pump remains under shut down for a longer period, to resume instant service at any time
    • Do suspend the pump set 3-4 mtr. above the bottom in borewells.
    • Ensure that the pump is installed at least 1 mtr. below the lowest level of water.
    • Ensure proper coupling by lifting the shaft assembly with screw driver which should lift by 0.5 to 1.0 mm approximately.
    • Run the motor for minimum 30 mins after commissioning until clear water starts flowing.
    • It is necessary to operate a submersible pump set against a throttle discharge valve. The minimum rate of flow should be at least 25% of the rate of flow at an optimum efficiency point on the chart to avoid overheating of the pump set
    • Use Overload Protection Relay
    • Ensure fitment of water level guard for low yield borewells.
    • Use the 500 volt D.C meggar only.
  • Don’ts
    • Don’t switch on/off for more than 15 times in an hour with minimum ol 1 min. interval between two successive start and stops to avoid damage to the motor.
    • Don’t use the pump if the water is sandy or acidic.
    • Don’t run the pump if any defect is observed.
    • Don’t run the pumpset in dry condition
    • Don’t run the pumpset against the closed discharge valve for more than 5 minutes to avoid over heating of the motor.
    • Don’t use new pumpset for developing or surging well or to free it from sand when the bore is a new one.
    • Don’t switch on the pumpset under any circumstances before filling the motor with drinking water.
    • Don’t start the pump without fitting sluice valve and water level guard.
    • Don’t operate the three phase pump in case of single phasing.
    • Don’t Lift the Motor with the help of its Cable.
    • Don’t bend the cable sharply

    Don’t use extra washer in motor and pump coupling for extra play.


1 Starting panel is defective. Replace it by new starter and check for continuity. Set relay properly
2 Overload protection out. Replace it with correct rating
3 Fuse blown off. Use adequate size cable.
4 Low line voltage Wait until the voltage recovers or contact electricity board people.
1 Defective control panel. Defective wiring. Incorrect fuse component. Repair/ Replace as per instruction
2 Defective relay. Replace and reset the starter only for checking the current drawn. Make sure that abnormal current is not drawn.
3 Damaged motor winding or cable. Rewind motor / Replace cable.
4 Pump locked due to sand. Remove, dismantle and clean water passages inside the pump and reassemble.
5 Pump set might have blocked in crossed well. Move the unit and put straight and then start. Otherwise shaft would bend.
6 Pump and motor not coupled properly. Check and realign coupling and see the freeness.
Water level in borewell may have gone below level of pump. If possible lower the unit further. Stop the unit until water level rises sufficiently. Operate the pump set with throttle valve.
Total head of the system is higher than designed head of pump set Replace it with suitable pump set for higher head. Ensure that flow is not obstructed due to foreign bodies in valve or inferior quality of valve.
N.R.V sand blocked / wrongly connected N.R.V on delivery pipe Check the flow direction arrow on the N.R.V body and connect correctly. Check for sand blockage. Clean and Replace.
Motor does not start. Check cable connection. Check for correctness of incoming power supply. Check for backup protection.
Motor starts but doesn’t pickup the rated speed Check voltage / frequency. Replace cable with higher size if necessary.
1 Motor running lower than the rated speed. Check voltage/ frequency. Replace cable with higher size if necessary.
2 Strainer / Impeller / Stage Casing may be clogged. Dismantle the pump and clean strainer and water passage of impeller and stage casing. If necessary replace them.
3 Defective rising main delivery pipe (leakage) Check the piping joints for leakage / chock.
4 System, resistance of the pump set is higher than estimated Replace pipes with higher size. Replace the pump set with higher capacity
5 Yield of the bore is not sufficient. Lower the unit further if possible or throttle the sluice valve adjusting to suitable flow rate.
6 Damaged pump parts. Replace correct components e.g. Impeller / Diffuser / Bushes / Sleeves, Neckring etc. Check slit / sand content of . water to avoid premature wear.
1 Incorrect voltage or inadequate power supply. Stabilize the voltage to rated & wait for adequate power supply.
2 Overheated Overload Protection box. Overload relay to be replaced or adjusted to a higher value. Replace starter if trips repetitively.
3 Defective control panel components. Defective electrical components to be replaced.
4 Damaged motor cable or winding. Check continuity in cable and wiring. Replace the cable. Rewind the motor if required.
5 Pump becomes sand locked Remove, dismantle and clean water passages inside the pump.
Motor may be running at a speed higher than rated. Check supply voltage and frequency.
Pump set runs outside recommended range. Ensure that pump set is operated nearer to best efficiency point.
Thrust plate of motor worn out. Replace / Relap it.
1 Excessive air or gas insertion in the water pumped. Lower the unit further down in the borwell increasing the submergence.
2 Chances of water hammer in piping system especially in case of long piping. Install a suitable N.R.V to minimize the effect of water hammer on piping system. Ensure firm support to piping along the length and specially at the bends.
3 Improper piping system. Consult piping expert.
4 Worn out / defective bearing in motor. Replace the bearing bush.
SR.No H.P. MAX CURRENT IN AMPS. CABLE SIZES IN SQ.M.M. 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0
1 0.35 3.50 TOTAL CABLE LENGTH* IN METRE 105 180 300 450 800
2 0.50 4.50 90 140 230 350 625
3 0.70 6.00 60 105 175 260 460
4 0.85 6.50 55 95 160 240 430
5 1.00 7.00 50 90 150 225 400
6 1.25 8.00 45 80 135 200 250
7 1.50 9.00 40 60 105 155 275
8 2.00 12.00 30 55 85 130 230
9 2.50 14.00 26 45 75 110 200
10 3.00 18.50 26 45 75 110 200
11 5.00 25.00 40 50 60 100 220
SR.No H.P. MAX CABLE 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0
1 0.50 2.00 TOTAL CABLE LENGTH* IN METRE 375 625 1000
2 0.70 2.50 300 500 800
3 0.85 2.75 275 450 725 1090
4 1.00 3.00 250 415 670 1000
5 1.25 3.50 215 355 575 880 1500
6 1.50 4.00 185 310 500 750 1310
7 2.00 4.50 165 275 440 660 1155
8 3.00 6.00 125 200 330 500 870
9 4.00 8.00 92 155 250 375 650
10 5.00 10.00 75 125 200 300 225
11 6.00 12.00 55 90 145 200
12 7.00 15.50 50 80 125 180
SR.No H.P. MAX CABLE 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0
1 2.0 4.5 TOTAL CABLE LENGTH* IN METRE 105 180 300
2 3.0 6.5 90 140 230
3 4.0 8.5 60 105 175 260 460
4 5.0 10.0 55 95 160 240 430
5 6.0 12.0 50 90 150 225 400
6 7.5 14.5 45 80 135 200 250
7 7.5 14.5 40 60 105 155 275
8 10.0 19.5 30 55 85 130 230
9 12.5 25.0 26 45 75 110 200
10 15.0 29.0 75 110 200
11 17.5 34.0 75 110 200
12 20.0 36.0 90 120 200
13 25.0 42.0 90 120 200
Length of cable is Measured from Pole to Motor
1 0.35 120/150 25
2 0.50 120/150 25
3 0.70 120/150 36
4 0.85 120/150 36
5 1.00 120/150 36
6 1.25 150/200 36+25
7 1.50 150/200 36+25
8 2.00 200/250 36+36
9 2.50 200/250 36+36
10 3.00 250/300 50+50
11 5.00 250/300 50+50+50
Note : Due to continuous improvement in the product the information given is subject to change without prior notice.
‘V’ NOTCH IN INCHES 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.50 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0
DISCHARGE IN LPM 2 5 10 15 30 50 90 140 200 275 480 750


Sr. No. Cause Suggested Remedy
1 Excessive air or gas insertion in the water pumped. Lower the unit further down in the borwell increasing the submergence.
2 Chances of water hammer in piping system especially in case of long piping. Install a suitable N.R.V to minimize the effect of water hammer on piping system. Ensure firm support to piping along the length and specially at the bends.
3 Improper piping system. Consult piping expert.
4 Worn out / defective bearing in motor. Replace the bearing bush.
Sr. No. H. P. Max Current in Amps. Cable Size in Sq.mm 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0
1 0.35 3.50 Total Cable Length* in Metre 105 180 300 450 800
2 0.50 4.50 90 140 230 350 625
3 0.70 6.00 60 105 175 260 460
4 0.85 6.50 55 95 160 240 430
5 1.00 7.00 50 90 150 225 400
6 1.25 8.00 45 80 135 200 250
7 1.50 9.00 40 60 105 155 275
8 2.00 12.00 30 55 85 130 230
9 2.50 14.00 26 45 75 110 200
10 3.00 18.50 26 45 75 110 200
11 5.00 25.00 40 50 60 100 220
Sr. No. H. P. Max Cable 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0
1 0.50 2.00 Total Cable Length* in Metre 375 625 1000
2 0.70 2.50 300 500 800
3 0.85 2.75 275 450 725 1090
4 1.00 3.00 250 415 670 1000
5 1.25 3.50 215 355 575 880 1500
6 1.50 4.00 185 310 500 750 1310
7 2.00 4.50 165 275 440 660 1155
8 3.00 6.00 125 200 330 500 870
9 4.00 8.00 92 155 250 375 650
10 5.00 10.00 75 125 200 300 225
11 6.00 12.00 55 90 145 200
12 7.00 15.50 50 80 125 180
Sr. No. H. P. Max Cable 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0
1 2.0 4.5 Total Cable Length* in Metre 105 180 300
2 3.0 6.5 90 140 230
3 4.0 8.5 60 105 175 260 460
4 5.0 10.0 55 95 160 240 430
5 6.0 12.0 50 90 150 225 400
6 7.5 14.5 45 80 135 200 250
7 7.5 14.5 40 60 105 155 275
8 10.0 19.5 30 55 85 130 230
9 12.5 25.0 26 45 75 110 200
10 15.0 29.0 75 110 200
11 17.5 34.0 75 110 200
12 20.0 36.0 90 120 200
13 25.0 42.0 90 120 200
Length of cable is Measured from Pole to Motor
Sr. No. H. P. Starting Capacitor in MFD Running Capacitor in MFD
1 0.35 120/150 25
2 0.50 120/150 25
3 0.70 120/150 36
4 0.85 120/150 36
5 1.00 120/150 36
6 1.25 150/200 36+25
7 1.50 150/200 36+25
8 2.00 200/250 36+36
9 2.50 200/250 36+36
10 3.00 250/300 50+50
11 5.00 250/300 50+50+50
Note: Due to continuous improvement in the product the information given is subject to change without prior notice.
‘V’ Notch in Inches 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.50 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0
Discharge in LPM 2 5 10 15 30 50 90 140 200 275 480 750